Candlelight Woods serves as a connection between your the Villa and the Manor. Within the released demo, you can visit two other areas: Candlelight Woods and Nightshade Manor. It’s a small detail that could be easy to overlooked, but really adds to the tone. Even Navi has been made over to have a pair of bat wings. “Link” sports a long, red jacket, pale skin, and a small goatee, giving him the definite feel of a vampire.
Your character shares the base model of Adult Link, but sports an entirely new, more Gothic-inspired style. This serves as a supposed central hub where your character can go to gather information and start new missions. In this new hack, titled Dark Hyrule Fantasy, starts off in a tavern in Villa Muerti. Hackers E-Gor and Spire are looking to add one more with an interesting, dark take on Ocarina of Time. However, compared to other game series, like the Super Mario games, there is very little representation for Zelda games. Sure, we have Outlands, Parallel Worlds, and Goddess of Wisdom, to name a few. Sadly, compared to other games from my childhood, there aren’t many ROM hacks available for the Legend of Zelda series.
Seeing a game I enjoyed in the past re-imagined by an individual (or a group of them) is a perfect excuse for me to revisit it.