At a distance, this weapon should be fired in very short bursts. The Retro Lancer is significantly more powerful than its younger brother, and as such, kicks like an ornery mule. During an assault on a defensive position The opponent has a shotgun drawn and has already seen you You are about to be chainsawed yourself The noise it makes also serves as a warning to any nearby enemies, so try to time it so that you rev just before, err, trimming the hedges. Just be warned: it takes a second to rev up, you cannot run or shoot when the chainsaw is revving, and any damage you sustain while running the blade will cancel the rev. In place of a standard melee attack, the Lancer has an attached chainsaw which will instantly kill anything in melee range. It sacrifices damage per round for a very high fire rate and decent accuracy, and as such should be the rifle of choice for open maps.
The Lancer is a COG’s bread and butter assault rifle.